Corporate and Leadership Development

The Office of Corporate and Leadership Development (CLD) supports both internal and external professional learning at Polk State College. Training sessions are designed to promote the advancement of both individuals and teams while benefiting the community. Topics include content-specific skills, workplace communication, soft skills, and technology integration. Additionally, custom training seminars can be developed to support other topics as required by the needs of constituents.

Corporate and Leadership Development produces the College’s annual Professional Development Day (PDD) and develops and facilitates the institution’s internal leadership programs: the President’s Leadership Institute and the Empowering Leaders Professional Series (ELPS). These programs emphasize the acquisition of new leadership skills and contribute to the College’s sustainability plans via targeted participant projects and coaching.

In addition to established professional development programs, the Office of Corporate and Leadership Development can develop a variety of customized training opportunities to meet the needs of both internal and external clients. Interested parties can contact to schedule a consultation to review training needs and request assistance.

Below is information related to the comprehensive programs offered by the Office of Corporate and Leadership Development.

  1. President's Leadership Institute

    This leadership development program is for Polk State faculty and staff and provides participants with the opportunity to expand their learning and experiential skills to develop a deeper understanding of how personal and professional decision-making can drive successful outcomes.

    Participants take part in site visits, statewide conferences, and view the Florida Legislature to engage in activities that foster the development of strong interpersonal relationships with colleagues and mentors. Additionally, participants connect with recognized leaders throughout Polk County.

    The President’s Leadership Institute provides participants with the requisite leadership skills and confidence to excel in the workplace and beyond. A key component of the program is the College Impact Project which requires participants to research, evaluate, and address specific needs within the Polk State College ecosystem by creating targeted solutions via carefully crafted proposals.


  2. Empowering Leaders Professional Series (ELPS)

    The purpose of the Empowering Leaders Professional Series (ELPS) is to provide training opportunities that strengthen the skillsets of full-time Polk State professional employees who have an interest in upward mobility within higher education. The program is aligned with the College’s strategic goals and core values that aims to develop superb and diverse leaders focused on student success.  This program, (albeit open to any employee), targets career, professional, and technical employees, up to middle management.

  3. Professional Development Day (PDD)

    Professional Development Day (PDD) is an annual College-wide event that showcases exemplary practices, pedagogy, and innovation across all faculty and staff groups. The all-day event takes place on the Lakeland Campus and invites interested faculty, staff, and community leaders to present to the College community. A request for presentation proposals to be published in early winter.


  4. Customized Training

    The Office of Corporate and Leadership Development offers training to meet the growing needs of corporate partners and the community. Conflict resolution, team building, human resources, intentional service, and interdepartmental communication are some of the topics that can be customized. Each training program is designed specifically to address the knowledge and skill gaps identified through deep-dive discussions and thoughtful communication with clients.

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  5. Leadership Development in Public Administration (LDPA)

    The Leadership Development in Public Administration (LDPA) program was developed in partnership with the City of Winter Haven as the direct result of a deep-dive 360-degree review.  This 160-hour program prepares new leaders in municipal government to grow and lead within their departments and community while serving the organization and its citizens. Participants are exposed to a wide variety of topics, including DISC Assessment, conflict resolution, coaching and mentoring, grit, intentional service, legal and intellectual property, setting goals, managing priorities, and more. After the program, participants are expected to present projects to city leaders while identifying real-world challenges and opportunities that outline solutions to improve the organization’s efficiency and the lives of residents.  This program may be replicated for other municipalities.

  6. New Managers Leadership Program

    This 56-hour management trainee program is a highly interactive experience that promotes team building and leadership while providing opportunities for growth and learning through class activities and dialogue. Meeting weekly, participants from a wide cross-section of the county have the opportunity to engage with their counterparts to learn not only from their facilitators but also from each other. Topics include, but not limited to, interdepartmental communication, listening to lead, effective feedback, and grit- an indicator of success.